Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dog Growth In Mouth Inside Lip

Asylum, Human Rights and Legal Research Group

Hello everyone!
Finally ELSA Italy also came the news of the opening of the work for the 2007-08 fiscal year in HR ... and that opening!

Angelo, Director for Human Rights of ELSA Italy, sent to all local branches of an email that contains a proposal for the formation of a Legal Research Group on the International Protection of Human Rights with particular reference to the Right of Asylum.

The Asylum is a fundamental human right recognized by international conventions.

In Italy has never been implemented in an organic law, and this gap is likely every day to undermine the security of men, women and children victims of violence and discrimination.

These people are in danger of being returned to the places from which they fled, where their freedom and their lives would again be at risk ... What do you think the doctrine?
How will the courts?
What role do the police authorities?
What differences exist between the legal systems of the areas most popular with those seeking refuge?
The Legal Research Group (LRG) provides, with the creation of a study group, the opportunity to thoroughly analyze and present an important legal issue. The group can join the members of all sections of Italian and international. The results of the test are then published by ELSA.

Nora (Nora Peruffo
Dir HR Elsa Trento)

Bam Combination Locks Resetting


I take with this post, to thank on behalf of ELSA all those who, speaking Tuesday to several screening of "The Phantom of Corleone", made the first round of the Cineforum "Voice to the Silence" a success.

I hope to still see a screening of the film "The Light" by Roberto Faenza, which will take place Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at 19:30 in the Faculty of Economics, there greeting.

Dir Louis Eufemia

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Right Ovary Pain During Ovulation

Siighetta Nose ... The masters of Porchetta!

Last night I was a guest for dinner in gafaree long, right across India, from Biso Falcomer. For the occasion, and Pippi Siighetta Nose the masters of pork, have given free rein to their art ...
Needless to say we eat a pork so only by Nose! Here is a picture to rosicare Pera (absent due to another birthday), and Michele bullfighter of Ivano (cargo de trouble as always):

The evening continued in the name of student spirit with "Ales" nose and cousin search for special tools in the workshop Biso; here such as a detergent for the men's underwear:

but here the inevitable "fasiete"

I take this opportunity and use the blog space thanks for the hospitality shown to me. ;-)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ramiro Jurek Sean Cody

Cineforum Antimafia Back

Hello everyone!

After a painstaking job to search for "film" our partner, as well as director, Louis Eufemia, is happy to present the path of film "on Silence" , movies on the issue of anti-mafia, organized by Transcrime traditional activities but this year has found ELSA TRENTO very supportive.
The program of films will begin Tuesday, November 13 to 19.30 , will be held in Conference Room "Smith" at the Faculty of Economics and the last screening will be made on 11 December.

films all five titles chosen are very popular but, with their plot and interpretation of their characters, they found broad agreement with the critics of gender.

Needless to remind you how fundamental it is raising awareness of the mafia phenomenon especially in our age to events where specimens and posters (as may be the so-called catch-mafia leaders) does not, unfortunately, the dismantling of the "system" which, undisturbed, continues to live and reproduce in the casing of our society.

ELSA TRENTO thank Louis for giving us all this opportunity e. .. See you all at the first screening! They are also able to pass the word to your friends!

(Isabella Cuzzilla
Secretary General Elsa Trento)

Tropical Tree Macalulu

children with Hands Jack

We would like to point out that in November
Mani Tese campaign offers the "Kids Return" to promote children's rights and to condemn the practice of child labor, this date in many countries around the world, and with this end it organizes seminars and conferences in major Italian cities.
ELSA TRENTO then invites to attend the conference held in Trento in Hall Rosa del Palazzo della Regione (Piazza Dante) next Monday (November 12 ) to 18 hours.

With "Kids Return" Mani Tese is also proposing a charter of intent with which every reality can subscribe to its commitment to protect children. The accessions that the NGO will collect will be brought to the General Assembly of the United Nations.
For more information and to sign the campaign see .

We greet you with the hope that many can participate!

Nora (Nora Peruffo
Dir HR Elsa Trento)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

West Elm Discontinued

Presentation JET-DET Wednesday, November 7




Wednesday, November 7, 15:00
Conference Room
Faculty of Law

taking part in this volume:

Prof. Roberto Toniatti , Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Trento;
Prof. Gabriele Fornasari , Professor of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Trento.

Initiative implemented with financial assistance from the Opera University and the University of Trento.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Darvocet For Torn Ligament

found the remains of the German fighter and its pilot shot down in 1944

as the article mentions Gazzettino were found in a field campaign Concordia remains of a plane shot down in World War II, and its rider Anton. Thanks to the clues provided by the stories of some local farmers it was possible to bring to light this sensational discovery.
Once again the town of Concord gives us a great page of history had been buried for years!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Save The Date Sayings

Once the Inquisition ... Levi-Prodi law now ... As always indriyas as' na watermelon in February

Ricardo Franco Levi, Prodi's right hand man, undersecretary to the Prime Minister, wrote a text to plug the mouth to the Internet. The bill was approved by the Council of Ministers on October 12. No minister has deviated. Gag on information underneath they are all in agreement. The Levi-Prodi law provides that anyone with a blog or a site should register with the ROC, a register of the Communications Authority, produce certificates, pay a stamp duty, even if information is non-profit. The blogs are born every second, anyone can easily open one and write its thoughts, post photos and video. The process proposed by Levi limits, in fact, access to the Web What guy would put this process to create a blog? The Levi-Prodi law obliges anyone who has a website or blog achieve a publisher and a journalist have either registered as a director.
99% close.
The lucky 1% of the Net been alive, for the Levi-Prodi law, be liable for the offense of failing to control on defamatory content in accordance with Articles 57 and 57 bis of the Penal Code. In practice, almost certain jail. The Levi-Prodi bill must be approved by Parliament. If the law passes will be the end of the network in Italy.

Ps: Anyone wishing to express their opinion to Ricardo Franco Levi can send an email to:


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Milena Velba Milk In Coffee

Piassa botany!

is the truth about the strange tufts sprouting from the coffins of the new square:

A very good idea! And we that we had criticized the square ..

This and many other ideas on section:
Antonio Water-treated

WCO Forum!
you there!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Valium And Bed Wetting


Forum Official Opening of the WCO !

see link at the top right corner above the photo of our guru!

We are waiting for everyone!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Wedding Rsvp Vegitarian Option Wording

(MAT PA wants a otherwise healthy)

thought I was good Meni was the only one to have already planned what to do in next 129 editions of Treasure Hunt FdR??


Valla-ciaf the cargo is all but de picinin monad ..
So I'm beccatevi video and see what I have in mind a little x next year (after the gimmick of this year's torch that stands and
of cloth that is rolls in association with his brother T3o)

What do you think??


And clearly anke x other ideas in general because the opening ...


Difference Between Mino And Ultra Hd

OMD VibroTranquySounds

let the comments of this post to your playlist every 15 days will be updated and nell'OmDPod also insert your songs!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Why Did Killington Stop Tubing

Safe streets, these are new rules ... with some personal statement ...

Apart comment Sans when I turned the email: "But sen drio schersar?? " will strike you immediately of inconsistencies colossal!
starting with the most friendly ... forget the conditioner! A classic example: August 32nd, the mother goes to get the bread, leaving the baby in the car, leave the car turned on to avoid making "in gratin " son ... back and find our friendly bearded friend intention to verbalize a fine of € 400 ... right to start a discussion. Meanwhile, a careful and experienced driver, because of the new road to Piazza Matteotti, does not see a 3 ^ which is across the street elementary e. .. Fortunately brakes in time! - Here is a typical example cause and effect: if a policeman is not around to make the fines dick, could keep up with traffic avoiding the danger of such accidents ... This was an example of how my brain is shaped by the cazzeggiano ... therefore consider it marginally ... :-D
We come to serious matters ... What is clear from the text that Sans has kindly made available? Well, it's a clear hierarchy of dangerous actions for the next ... we then say that we tend to give a weight to each according to precise dictates our evaluation action. So here it is evident consider driving without a license as the most dangerous thing of all: "Never forget the license. Who can drive without being punished by a fine of € 2257 to 9032. ! Ah yes ... because a license ver de ciasa this table, it means no dehydration Jesse facie to drive! ... around however there are horrendous contraption, here's a slide:

that you can drive without a license! So the 14-year-old Daddy's boy who has not the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the Highway Code, the nonagenarian who do not renew your license more, anyone can drive these contraption which, incidentally, are more dangerous than a car that can be defined as such.
not end here peaceful friends ... " more news about alcohol and drugs," data tell us that the rules of the road is better drugs that drinking two beers! But about this, I do not dwell over ... I leave you comments even if you will all agree when I say that
"if you know imbriago no te has a guide "

... you will find friends that spirit triumphs WCO!

turning the bike no one can quite tell you anything!

OMD bike!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

How To Delete Emails In Facebook Login

Solidarity automotive


Friends worry, you will have noticed that in recent days Concordia was carpeted with thousands of these signs ...

let us help!
not have the resources shown in this video,

so we have two options:

Remember, Tranquillo friend: Make the headlights

Temporary Visitor Stamp Ny -japan

Found Arena finding of youth ... The bike

"clutch friction pad and lay on the ground immediately. makes a ."

Minicicciolo NB. There are two seconds between the lighting and the outbreak (stopwatch).
If you do not have good quickness' to throw the firecracker in
ground may have even greater damage than those of miccette.
Criminal Code Art 703: "Power and dangerous explosions."
CLASS III: Material Pirico exploding and not exploding, not harmless.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Can A Concealed Weapon Be A Fork?

quiet ...

unveiled the official logo of the WCO's blog! You like it?
We chose to represent the peace on two wheels ... what better subject of the mythical "Graziella"?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Taylor Lautner With Braces

Archives Seminars


DOPING: A possible fight with the tools of law

Occasion and starting the debate, organized by ELSA TRENTO , the recent publication of the book by Dr. Sergio Bonini, teaches a course on comparative criminal law at the Faculty of Law of Trento.

spoke at the meeting:

  • Sergio Bonini , teaches a course on comparative criminal law at the Faculty Law of Trento;
  • Prof. Gabriele Fornasari , Professor of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of Trento;
  • Francesco Moser , cycling world champion and current President of AMCP (World Association of Professional Cyclists).
Issues specifically addressed were: the recent law 376/2000 regarding doping, cd. "Secularism" of Criminal Law and the distinction between the cd. figures of "eterodoping" and "autodoping" postulated by the same Dr. Bonilla.
In detail, the meeting dealt with the desirability an ad hoc criminal law in this area; analysis, first the problematic issues and concerns about its effectiveness, in particular concerns raised by athletes, on the other hand the suitability of the potential penalty in curbing illegal conduct even in sport, position claimed by the doctrine. A meeting point between the two views instead of only failure is the criminal justice system, which by its very nature is a last resort, regardless of any intervention could not be regulatory alternatives and social intervention.

Tomtom Or Miomaps On Navman

OMD Style grows thanks to you all!
Become a friend Quiet!
hunting for news, photos, videos, news, the reporter is always on Quiet ...
Leave your mail and your name (required) in the comments of this post and enter
the friends list not worry!
contributed to higher OMD Blog!

up the good work ... and your eyes open!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

October Wedding Colors

The maximum ...

... Or phrases that those at the right time makes all the difference!
post them and put them out in the section: "The maximum WCO "


"crap off that both el el bucal ten!"

Sunday, September 16, 2007

California Dl Card Template

decided on the theme of Carnival 2008 FdR

After hours of heated debate has led to the decision of the official theme for the parade of Carnival 2008:

The 4 Elements: Fire
- Air - Water - Earth

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Republic Tires Any Good

Italy ... One!

To all friends & visitors Tranquilli:
feel you have the talent? hidden qualities that you want to emerge? superpowers?!
You've found the bit I'm right!

send us links to your videos, after they are published here or photos directly to our mail, best video and best pictures will be posted on Style and the best of OMD ItaliaUno interludes will be transmitted to the editor.

OMD conveys emotions ...

Friday, September 14, 2007

Connect External Hard Drive To Tv And Watch Avi

Invitation the feast of the square! NOMADS

... a click on the image to see the invitation ...

Genital Wart Recovery Length

Concert - June 6, 2002

A wonderful experience for us all of the staff after working all day (and night to dismantle the stage and equipment), we allowed ourselves a nice relaxing time pizza with the lot!