Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dog Growth In Mouth Inside Lip

Asylum, Human Rights and Legal Research Group

Hello everyone!
Finally ELSA Italy also came the news of the opening of the work for the 2007-08 fiscal year in HR ... and that opening!

Angelo, Director for Human Rights of ELSA Italy, sent to all local branches of an email that contains a proposal for the formation of a Legal Research Group on the International Protection of Human Rights with particular reference to the Right of Asylum.

The Asylum is a fundamental human right recognized by international conventions.

In Italy has never been implemented in an organic law, and this gap is likely every day to undermine the security of men, women and children victims of violence and discrimination.

These people are in danger of being returned to the places from which they fled, where their freedom and their lives would again be at risk ... What do you think the doctrine?
How will the courts?
What role do the police authorities?
What differences exist between the legal systems of the areas most popular with those seeking refuge?
The Legal Research Group (LRG) provides, with the creation of a study group, the opportunity to thoroughly analyze and present an important legal issue. The group can join the members of all sections of Italian and international. The results of the test are then published by ELSA.

Nora (Nora Peruffo
Dir HR Elsa Trento)


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