Saturday, October 20, 2007

Save The Date Sayings

Once the Inquisition ... Levi-Prodi law now ... As always indriyas as' na watermelon in February

Ricardo Franco Levi, Prodi's right hand man, undersecretary to the Prime Minister, wrote a text to plug the mouth to the Internet. The bill was approved by the Council of Ministers on October 12. No minister has deviated. Gag on information underneath they are all in agreement. The Levi-Prodi law provides that anyone with a blog or a site should register with the ROC, a register of the Communications Authority, produce certificates, pay a stamp duty, even if information is non-profit. The blogs are born every second, anyone can easily open one and write its thoughts, post photos and video. The process proposed by Levi limits, in fact, access to the Web What guy would put this process to create a blog? The Levi-Prodi law obliges anyone who has a website or blog achieve a publisher and a journalist have either registered as a director.
99% close.
The lucky 1% of the Net been alive, for the Levi-Prodi law, be liable for the offense of failing to control on defamatory content in accordance with Articles 57 and 57 bis of the Penal Code. In practice, almost certain jail. The Levi-Prodi bill must be approved by Parliament. If the law passes will be the end of the network in Italy.

Ps: Anyone wishing to express their opinion to Ricardo Franco Levi can send an email to:



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