Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Does Wood Mean In The Bible

GMO "not tolerate" the lack of information

Friends of the blog, as some of you have seen, og gi 23.03.2011 on the Tyrrhenian Sea has been one of our published press release that informs the public opening of Integrated Medicine Hospital of Pitigliano

Il Tirreno 23 \\ 03 \\ 2011
Integrated Medicine, Pitigliano divides.
The group criticizes GM "poor communication," the mayor Seccareccia there is
The Mayor reiterates' enthusiasm for the project began Feb. 23 and new developments. " But someone does not believe
Right now they are open to homeopathy and herbal clinic
Mat Baccellina
PITIGLIANO. It was not even a month before the opening of integrated medicine hospital of Pitigliano. At Petruccioli from 23 February, there are clinics in homeopathy and acupuncture. But for some, might as well not exist.
"The Petruccioli is the first hospital of integrated medicine in Italy - is the release of the GM group of Pitigliano - and will soon be enhanced with natural organic herbal medicine, and disciplines such as yoga, shiatsu and sound therapy. Here born the first training center for complementary medicine, and international library on the Internet, will be the first devoted to complementary medicine. We wonder why this project promoted by the Tuscany Region and in collaboration with the ASL 9, which is a great opportunity for our region, records a total lack of communication over the opening of the service. This in spite of its importance and the continued risk of closure imposed on the garrison of Pitigliano.
short, a controversy the lack of publicity. "It's not a warning, not a poster, nothing on the website of the City, not a public meeting where he explains what it is, openness and access arrangements. It only contains information on the site of ASL, but not everyone looking at him. " And that is why GM, a group of opinion on the move, "to avoid the degradation due to lack of customers, is launching a new advertising campaign, with a leaflet can be downloaded from the blog and Facebook group page." The press group
Pitiglianese of integrated medicine on the hospital did not leave indifferent the mayor Dino Seccareccia. "It's a project we have tenaciously maintained, these controversies seem to me Free - said the first citizen of Pitigliano - also because it is a hospital that is open just a month, and is already receiving numerous bookings.
not tolerate criticism, knowing what we are committed to its opening. It is a hospital which I am proud of, an innovative experience. Soon there will be a meeting with the local health authorities to check the booking system and to implement the same service. "
short, if a citizen group calls for greater visibility and communication for Petruccioli, the mayor sends the charges to the sender.
"Very soon there will be a meeting with the local health - adds Seccareccia - to sensitize the citizens on integrated medicine."

on the responses of the Mayor, we want to point out that GM has not questioned even by the Town Council's commitment to the implementation of integrated medicine hospital.
We have reported the absolute lack of communication, confirmed by the Mayor declaring: "Very soon we will be a meeting with the ASL for a national awareness on integrated medicine. " With this statement, the Mayor admits that, since the service so far its Administration has not given any information.
Waiting for this to happen we feel even more motivated to continue our campaign calls upon the citizens to cooperate with us.

How To Breed Shiny Pokemon In Emerald

Stripes, I do not stop! Italy

Illustration for an initiative promoted by The Society for ideas. From the website of

ADUC, an association for the rights of users and consumers:
" Two pedestrians killed on pedestrian crossings per day has the value of a negative record for Italy. Where such a massacre going on? There are other countries where there are pedestrian crossings, with the same information?
The Society for ideas to offer a modest contribution to combat piracy increasingly barbaric that made Florence and cities a nightmare for pedestrians, the elderly, mothers. Navigate the streets is even more risky there are clear rules of the road.
This adhesive is available to those who want to follow the rules and the people and send a mild but clear warning to those who in the name of haste and arrogance threatens the safety of all.
The Society for the ideas in the meantime has produced 500 stickers, and appeals to potential supporters who want to fund the reprinting and distribution. We welcome projects undertaken by this scourge and invite the Mayor of Florence 's ACI town perhaps on the same busy street.
The adhesive is made by the illustrator and cartoonist and cartoonist Piero Tonin .
adhesives require email to: "

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Save The Date Funny Sayings

Happy Birthday! - Happy birthday USA!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ci Pocket Bike For Sale

The Golden Child of John Feo

published the post that John Feo wrote for our blog, thanks John!

-reading your blog, I felt an immediate feeling of déjà vu.
messages for young people who write on the blog, tell off a country where there is no chance 'meeting ("they closed the cinema"), where the streets are just machines, tourists and a sense of vacuum, a country where so many go away or are considering.

When I arrived, thirty years ago, the country, the square and the streets were alive and lived but then, in a few years, began desertification, civil death.
The problem is serious. Possible future without young people there, no life.
And not enough good intentions and optimism of those who, no longer young, and manages the institutions have already been a position.
The soul of a place, when it goes out as you relive the beautiful postcards and even the food is good enough.

Twenty years ago, I was about to go away, but luckily for me, something unexpected happened
that forced me to stay and began to work with an opportunity to arrivatami from outside, otherwise I would have to emigrate. Many believe they are aware of an apparent paradox:
the beauty of this land and a unique natural environment, which in other hilly regions has already been deleted from
Then the monuments, Etruscan civilization abandoned in the bush, the remains of lost civilizations and mysterious. Yet all this great wealth of nature, landscapes and history for young people is as if there was.
Apart from the short months that tourism is an unproductive asset, in terms of employment, can offer little to young.

Youth, especially today, can not be treated with disdain and superficiality. As
growth, education el 'learning.

In the oldest tales of the mythical figure "divine child" has always played an important role, representing the importance of life that must be constantly renewed and never stop.

For the Etruscans called the Divine Child Tages , born of mother earth, who came to bring knowledge and revelations.
The "New" is always a child, certainly not a senior.
In the myth, Tages is a child with the wisdom of the Romans anziano.Per the story began with two children, twins .
For Christians was always a Child to inaugurate the "new era".

All these old stories are not fables, but the expression of a life that needs to go on the
"New", of renewal, without which there is stasis, the drying and at the end of the day, when alone, even the most
good food leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

John Feo

Monday, March 14, 2011

Silverado Ss Bumper For Sale

err is human, to persevere is diabolical!

And after one, two .. we are the third or fourth bridge collapsed!

AAA. Searching architect to design a small bridge that will remain solid over time. Excluding wasters!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Black Poop Pregnant 39 Weeks

Proposals wasted and missed opportunities of Tourism in Pitigliano

pleased to publish an article by our fellow citizen, tourism expert.

I had the opportunity twice to propose the creation of a Tourist Observatory in Pitigliano.
In summary this is a small group of representatives of economic activities that the City Council can also provide useful advice based on data collected annually on tourism.
the first time in 2005, the proposal has been virtually ignored and the second time in 2008, was partially accepted for inclusion in the election in the form of an ambiguous "Economic Observatory, ever.

The good opportunity is provided by the Regional Council of Tuscany, following the public announcement of specific (Decree No. 5101 - 8/10/2009), with the opportunity to experience the tourist observation of destination in the municipalities that present special projects on the model NECSTouR. The model
NECSTouR summary focuses on the following 10 points:
Impact of transport
• Quality of life of residents and tourists
• Quality of work
• Enlargement of the demand / supply ratio (geographical and seasonal concentration of tourism
) •
active conservation of cultural heritage
• active conservation of the environment
• Active conservation of distinctive identities of destinations
• Reduction and optimization of the use of natural resources with particular reference to water

• Reduction and optimization of energy consumption
• Reduced waste and better waste management

path testing identified include:

1. Activation as a result of specific public notice (Decree No. 5101 - 8/10/2009), a first group of 10 municipalities that have set up projects financed by the creation of observatories Tourist Destination: Abetone, Barberino Mugello, Chianciano Terme, Fiesole, Forte dei Marmi, Montecatini Terme, San Gimignano, San Vincenzo, Siena and Tavarnelle Val di Pesa (Allocation of € 400,000)

2.L 'activation of a second group of 40 municipalities who are given a voucher which seeks to ensure a concrete relationship of collaboration and exchange of Practice for the establishment of observatories Tourist Destination. (Availability of € 2 million)
This group consists of:

- the municipalities that responded to the notice mentioned in October 2009: Anghiari, Barga, Borgo a cropping, Calenzano, Capannori, Castiglione della Pescaia Cortona, Greve in Chianti, Isola del Giglio, Massa Marittima, Monsummano Terme, Montaione, Monterotondo Marittimo, Montignoso, Pontedera, Portoferraio, Roccastrada, Santa Fiora, Scarborough, Vinci

- the municipalities that have set up projects PIUSS (referred to CREO POR 2007/2013) with special provisions for investment for Tourism: Arezzo Campi Bisenzio, Carrara House, Hill VE, Florence, Follonica, Grosseto, Livorno, Lucca, Massa, Montevarchi, Piombino, Pisa, Pistoia, Prato, Poggibonsi, Quarrata, Scandicci, Viareggio
I Piussi represent the means by which the Region of Tuscany would implement the policies of economic and social development in urban areas outlined in Axis V of the Regional Operational Programme "Regional competitiveness and employment" of the ERDF 2007-2013 ( CREO POR).

Piussi Purpose of each individual to design a coordinated set of interventions, public and private, to achieve - in terms of sustainability - economic and social development goals by improving the quality of urban environment.
Certainly the design is not a trivial matter and bureaucratic practices and huge, and it is a much more articulate Tourist Centre proposed by me .... .... However, if other municipalities have managed Pitigliano why not?
Velio Small

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Heart Murmurs And Heartburn

Hospital Center Integrated Medicine: tools to spread!

clicking the link above then download the flyer in PDF format
share it on Facebook, send it by mail to friends,
Print and distribute!

also share your information

is crucial for your hospital!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Make Wrestling Belts Online

Hospital Pitigliano Sorano the views of the Mayor of

   Letter from a town to the Mayor of the City of Sorano Vanni:   
  Dear Mayor, good morning, I would bother to report   a situation that I was deeply surprised:  

occasionally I find that now you can book visits related to Acupuncture and Integrated Medicine Homeopathy, this morning going to the ASL for a blood test determine that there is no information on the present and the same nurse, lowering his eyes say they do not know anything, maybe because the medicine is otherwise, it will be for lack of time and respect for the citizens, will be, will ...?.
honestly do not find answers to these inexplicable silence on the part of institutions, like the situation in Pitigliano, and then with the loyalty that has always distinguished me ask you directly the reasons for this lack of information.
  I state that I was told that newspaper articles came out, but I remember that apart from the 
small percentage of people who buy newspapers abitulmente,
we have in our area with 5 villages where there is no possibility to buy

Mayor Vanni Answer:

The City of Sorano has expressed support for the project of integrated medicine for the hospital of Pitigliano since he took his first steps.
Personally, at the invitation of the Health Committee of the Regional Council, I was four years ago in London to visit the main structure of English dedicated to integrated medicine and to meet the scientific and administrative leadership.
Even on the basis of those contacts have understood the importance of the project and sustained the need to implement it, while at the same time stressing the need to ensure, in terms of equipment and staffing, the proper functioning of the entire hospital and, in particular, the emergency room, diagnostic and specialized anbulatori.
In meetings of integrated medicine for the hospital in which the municipal administration of Sorano was involved have always participated or mayor or the Department of Health Rosalia miracle.

For several months there have been no such meetings, or at least we were not informed directly, but as far as we are concerned we have had telephone contact with the project manager science and the health department ASL 9.
Following also stress that were received from citizens, and the meeting which was held in Pitigliano with the Director General ASL (reserved as far as I is the municipal council and the junta). I have had contact with the mayor of Pitigliano and the ASL 9 in respect of communication of outpatient activities undertaken by a couple of weeks, mainly to task for ' Asl also because it has all the necessary technical and scientific information.
There is no doubt, however, that most municipalities concerned (Pitigliano, Sorano and Manchester but also to be limited to the closest), should ensure their active support.
I gave full dispomibilità to that effect to the medical director of the hospital, to which I have expressed the intention to promote the city authorities of Sorano un'inziativa short statement on \u0026lt;The hospital of integrated medicine, an opportunity for the area>.
We have agreed that immediately after the Prosimii meeting of the Scientific Committee, scheduled for March 9, agree on the terms dell'inziiativa.
is available to every comment and analysis.
Pierandrea Vanni
Mayor of Sorano

Atv Sandrail For Sale

If not now when? now! March 8 = Feb. 13 meeting of the Tyrrhenian Article

If not now when? Now
March 8, 2011 The return to the world ITALY

Committee IF NOT NOW WHEN?

copied from:

'Italy is not a country for women and we want it is.
In the year when we celebrate the 150th Unification of Italy, give more value to 8 March, the day came more than a century ago to honor the workers of the world, over time become party of women and today at rebirth for our country. We want an Italy
capable of being in the world, in an open and solidarity with all peoples, especially those who struggle for freedom as now those of North Africa.
We want to be on 8 March, as February 13, the day of all.
Of the women who work steadily in and out of home, of those seeking work and do not find it, of workers forced into illegal employment, licenses, precarious, many of which have left their families away to deal with ours, and women into slavery.
In Italy is a widespread insecurity that is not just work but life. It involves a growing number of women and men.
In our appeal to all and invite all restore value to the International Women's Day . We think we do it together, how and where each wants, inviting all to tie a pink ribbon with virtually good wishes, 150th in the unification of Italy, for a rebirth of our country .
A pink ribbon for hanging next to the statues, the stock exchange, at scooter, around the trees, the windows on jacket or car window!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kidney Cyst Found In My 30's

Project Integrated Medicine Hospital Pitigliano

March 3, 2011 A meeting on the draft integrated medicine director ASL Mariotti discusses the work of homeopathy and acupuncture clinics

PITIGLIANO. The ASL Director Fausto 9 Mariotti, will today at 15.30 in the council chamber of the town of Pitigliano to illustrate the Draft Integrated Medicine, which since last week has started in the hospital outpatient clinics with specialists in homeopathy and even acupuncture.
"The presence of Director general of the municipal council in the classroom - Pierluigi Camilli said social services commissioner of the town of Pitigliano - will be useful to take stock of the socio-health of the municipality. At the heart of the comparison can not be no operation and the prospects of "Petruccioli" because the news is not lacking: the appointment of Dr. Manini also a primary Orbetello, the successful start of Tac. "
However, citizens do not fail to highlight critical issues and concerns. "All this is because areas like ours - says councilor Camilli - with a very high percentage of elderly people, can not risk being left without a" valid "the hospital."

integrative medicine is certainly a project of great interest also for the opportunities it can offer to the territory. "But this should give response to the concerns, justified or not, citizens and should comment on what the general manager of ASL."

Among the challenges are Camilli noted a few problems to solve. "For example, a turn-over of doctors too accelerated, the need for continuous presence of specialists, the functionality of the emergency, the time of transfer to other hospitals, all problems certainly are not new, but considering that now the spotlight is on I think that it is time good to say one more word and face the best. "

The only newspaper in recent days has given attention to the Draft Integrated Medicine Hospital of Pitigliano was the Tyrrhenian Sea.
One person interviewed: The Ass. Re planning, transport, and the Social Services P. Camilli, shines
absence Councillor the Right to Health, Renzi S. ..

This approach makes us imagine the intensity of the campaign that will implement in order to spread the news, the importance and originality of the project of Integrated Medicine Hospital Pitigliano,
seen as a means of contributing to the growth of "territory "

reassures us and makes us all stay calm ,
knowing you are in good hands .....