Saturday, January 29, 2011

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Pitigliano .... come away with me

Come Via
with me
from Pitigliano?

Away with you,
; return,

Here's the list :

walk away from Pitigliano has now closed because the only bookstore where I found the later editions updated.
I walk away from Pitigliano because there is not even the movies. But culture is a right, not a privilege.
"L in culture also makes it economically, culture and 'against the vulgarity and allows to distinguish between good and evil culture can always expose the liars, the culture and' the instrument to judge those who govern us, the culture and 'freedom of speech and expression, save the culture, the culture is like water, is the life "(C. Abbado)
walk away from Pitigliano in the evening because if I go out and look around, I feel , a deep sadness.
remain in Pitigliano because if I go to the streets to meet someone always happens to me and I can chat.
I stay here because it is unique in its beauty, I'm lucky because I live it every day.
aspect because I want to live in Pitigliano a Manager that is available to explain the whole population, because Terme di Pitigliano have never been opened, what did the council , what did the Province , what did the owner ... to let go off like a water project of such great value?
I want to live in Pitigliano because I am waiting for 'Hospital is transformed into a Hospital Center of Integrated Medicine . It 's a major project that could mean growth for the whole territory.
Ma ... What happens? All is silent ... He had to start in January 2011!
this aspect, as I lost hope and do not wait for more parking and a decent center.
I walk away from Pitigliano to young people here because we do not think anybody. Sadly I see them leaning against the doors of the bar, while the people sitting inside, drinking and browse for the umpteenth time now worn pages of newspapers.
I go away from here because Pitigliano I can not grow or work.
remain in Pitigliano because nowhere else in the world I feel at home.
I go back to Pitigliano and every time I realize that I ... I can not help it.
I walk away from Pitigliano because the country is directed by the will of a few wealthy families and many politicians like to obey, only because they bring votes.
No politician here has ever experienced the pleasure of being chosen for their courage in being able to propose and introduce new and valuable alternative.
I walk away from Pitigliano because there is not a political organization in the country in which I can recognize.
The men and women who make up the current junta, is compacted into small groups, divide, do not talk to each other. You can see them in the square that chatter, just as you perceive them are:
isolated from the context.
I walk away from Pitigliano because here nothing ever changes and the problems I see today are the same as that seen for 20years.
There is no proposal to change for the country, now an immeasurable time.
remain in Pitigliano because I want my son to stay, and should not be forced like everyone to escape.
Vado Pitigliano way because the current policy, these people and even earlier, convinced that all things change is difficult, even impossible.
Their strength lies in 'the inaction of others, accept this is equivalent to having a' permission moral disengagement.
They were so consistent in the repetition of this mantra, which by now have convinced everyone (or almost).
remain to live in Pitigliano, because I think it also depends on me, to initiate changes.

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A country of old Surveyors

I finished the middle and I have to choose what to do ...... My father is Mario surveyor, my uncle is Gaspero surveyor. Surveyor is the sister of my mother, aunt Adele and her daughter, my cousin Ilaria.
There are generations of surveyors in Pitigliano, and also some reason.
All surveyors speak in the same way and everybody knows the same thing .. I must confess that we are a family with little exchange culurale!
The Mayor however said that the Institute of Surveyors will close in Pitigliano, but reassures us that we can ask the Province to have a new school, different.
I, the Reform Gelmini I never approved, he only did damage.
In fact, the school closes for Surveyors in Pitigliano not to renew the cultural fabric now deteriorated, but only for lack of entries!
However, it must choose what to do within a year and communicate it to the Province.
The Mayor said we should choose us!
But I do not know what I do, I'd like to study and then find a job, but if there is no work for us Young people, if not study or study does not change anything or not?
Maybe the best thing to do is going to become a plumber, he says grandmother Elvira.
course, if we all become plumbers in Pitigliano there will be a drop of water leaking taps in the Maremma!
But according to you who read the blog, what can be done in Pitigliano? We have good wine and good stuff to eat, too many tourists who come to visit the territory. But we only have this one!
Then I think, that I am passionate about ecology, we could learn to organic farming, quality of food just km 0 everywhere, we could distinguish the quality of food and produce a better wine, we could learn how to make environmentally sustainable tourism, make our region a gem quality of life and know how to make it known to everyone.
I saw on television that some countries are doing, grow economically because they have developed a "plan of territorial growth ".... I think you call it.
I can not say that I think all these factors, the Mayor did not give me even a piece of paper for scirverle
I know there are many unemployed in the country and that all my older friends go away.
It's not that I really like the idea of \u200b\u200bliving in a country where only old surveyors.
If I were great and I were Mayor, asking for help to the young, to try to form with them to revive this place where I was born and I would not have to leave.
How can I tell this to the Mayor who is also surveying him, as I will explain that we young people are the strength on which to make investments in the future, it is not brilliant escape us all, even if it's easier.
... ... Maybe I make him an sms, so I know he is always attached to the phone!

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"Letter to a Young never Pitigliano born "Freedom of expression

Sometimes my father tells me about him when a boy of my age, on Sunday went with his friends in a room in which the municipality had set up a small cinema, where some of the first releases were not screened, but where fantasized with the western films of Sergio Leone.
In another room was a table-tennis and football, where teams of students were endless challenges. There were also some tables where people played cards, my father often said that on Saturdays and Sundays, some elders of the land, were to attend to the challenges to the table and often can not resist the temptation of cards and ended up making a trump with the children during the game and maybe tell some adventure of their lives.
I think we young people today are more fortunate, we have a lot in our rooms there are play station, dvd, mp3, computer with which Ciatti with our friends wherever they are.
Pero 'there's one thing I can not explain, because the sentiment' spread that I feel like me and many young people is loneliness and out of our rooms hyper because we can not socialize, to show interest.
Looking back then, my father was more fortunate than me.
I am a boy of Pitigliano, beautiful country away from the world, where the visitors' eyes are filled with unique colors and scenery, but where our youths are sentenced to anything, back and forth between the new country and old country and where the square once a meeting place, no longer exists.
We stop in front of the bar and we already see in the mirror on the faces of older adults who are planning to break the bank video poker or drink their umpteenth Hildebrand.

I also think that perhaps I can not take every opportunity that the council offers me, in the end has always been so 'well in the past, perhaps hidden somewhere there is a room where projecting a film, where my peers now find themselves playing, talking or even playing.
I asked my father to help me find this place.
We shot very up and down the country without finding anything except the football field, but unfortunately I know 'to be denied the ball, certainly if there was a small multi-purpose indoor sports I could do basketball, volleyball and maybe find even good.
Our City wants to do something I'm sure most, if not their fault in the past has not been invested in the culture and people, but then I wonder why do not dialogue with me do not ask me what I think, what I want, not compared with my father along to imagine my future.

But already!, The Mayor does not have time today, maybe tomorrow, now have to travel by children of asylum for a salute, then justly be leaving for Grosseto.
I understand and I envy him, a full day in Pitigliano especially in winter can 'be very long, at least he, unlike me, can' be able to find a library that is still open.

I have a doubt, but it means that none of the directors over the years has invested in projects for us, helping us to become men and then the directors of tomorrow. It saddens me, but it saddens me even more to think that none of the young people of yesterday and today he asked, demanded, raised his voice for crying out loud hoping to dream of a future in Pitigliano. However

are too pessimistic, at the end of this year despite the economic crisis Potro 'assist year-end to fireworks offered by our municipality. I am grateful, once again will remain imprinted on my retina for 15 long minutes the bright colors of the stars and shooting fountains.
But now that I'm finished, I'm struck by the thought that in my eyes will be back 'reflection of the long black winter Pitigliano. I respect my father, I think that if there had been he would have thought to use the budget of the fires made over the years to give young people something to us to manage and be responsible in investing in our dreams, as the best investment for a family than to cultivate and foster the potential of a child, make a man placed in a company 'right.
Dreams become dormant, but sometimes a way to start is just a small step.
As he says, quoting his favorite poet Fabrizio De Andrè "..... I salute you from the countries of tomorrow, are visions of peasant souls in flight for the world .....".

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mount Tam In Greek Mythology

The Lawyer - The Lawyer

illustration on commission - Commissioned artwork.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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am a twenty year old who lives here in Pitigliano.
Sometimes I seem to be in a world in which we do not recognize myself!
I can not recognize me in fear I see in people's eyes.

We all men, look at the world through a kaleidoscope, we put on our eyes and lenses of different colors to different degrees. So
There are plenty of views of reality, visions of different worlds and strictly individual.
So, what could be better than not going to discover the various worlds and compare them with ours?
I think it means to grow up. Growing
= Coping.
if time passes and there is still the same point, there is not grown is because fear has stuck, fear of confrontation with each other. I would remind

Article .21 of our Constitution that says
"Everyone has the right to express freely their pernsiero with speech, writing and every other means of communication" . Can
seem an obvious reference to mine, but it is not right because this has been achieved, there has always been and will not necessarily last forever. We just keep believing, just exercising without fear. Who's afraid of expressing their thoughts, not only giving up a law but the law itself makes it weaker for all. We do not have to impress in front of a government that restricts freedom of speech, but we have to impress in front of our fear that this allows.
It 's too big for us this freedom? We
men we may not be able to deserve it?

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The DNA of Emilio Fede

We are a group speaking of people who have discovered a common sentiment:

The nostalgia of freedom of expression.

We are sure that many people like us living in Pitigliano,
has the same sentiment in mind and maybe our own questions: Why

living here is no use talking freely about what works and what does not work in the country? Why do you feel in the air this
strange fear of exposing themselves information and nobody asks who is responsible and paid to provide it? Why
in Pitigliano in the places where you can discuss democratically actually denied the space for dissent and diversity of thought?
because here the implicit rule, one that gives us a peaceful survival is silent?

explanations of social phenomena could now be:
We ordinary people have the same chance of Emilio Fede DNA
We people of the people we are talking about personal fear of blackmail, so we learned the silence.
We ordinary people have been transformed due changes in Geophysics:
The fog of the Maremma along with fragments of the tuff has spread about our neurons and plenty of them paralyzed.

To find out who are in the country "N ostalgici of freedom" we have created this Blog.
Here, even those who want to remain anonymous can write and express freely their ideas.
comments on our blogs are not being filtered right to be free, we ask everyone to keep strictly to the rules that unite us, those of respect and democracy.
if you have something to say, if you still active neurons, write what you think and comment on the questions and statements
, indeed Place it you get caught without the usual paralyzing fear.
sooner or later someone will answer us democratically
All we can do something to change the look of this place, it just depends on us.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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CAVANDOLI! The full story!

Click HERE to download the full comic!

(From the blog of Ivan "Hurricane" Manuppelli 01/01/11)

"Exactly 91 years ago came the great Osvaldo Cavandoli .
To celebrate it, and dispose of all alcohol hangover that beset us since last night, here in public, finally accessible to all , the entire comic story that we have dedicated pages on PUCK! ".
These are all artists who have taken part:
Bruno Bozzetto, Silver, Gino Gavioli, Leo Ortolani, George Rebuffi, Charles "Perogatt" Peroni, Laca, Charles Squires, Athos caregiver, Andrea Valente, Joshua Held, Sandro Dossi, Alberico Motta, Franco Origone, Nedo Zanotti, Hurricane Ivan, Piero Tonin Sergio Ponchione, Danilo Loizedda, Claudio Acciari, Francesco Natali, Roberto Mangosi, Fernando Caretta, Silvio Camboni, Maurizio Ercole, Giuseppe Festin, Emanuele Fossati.
With the special collaboration of Gariglio Mauro and Lucio Tomaz , historians collaborators of Cava.

This is a fairly isolated case of its kind. A single comic strip drawn by 30 cartoonists different. A tribute to Cavandoli and the whole Italian comic strip, with much of the poison barbs for Italian television. In Italy a similar operation had been drafting the sperimentara Comix in the 90's for a Christmas special with Jacovitti and a celebration of artists afraid to do.
and I Piero Tonin we decided to readjust the size, the shaker with the best names of cartoon humor and Caroselli, and give it a final farewell (albeit shabby) to Cavandoli and its line.
That, as always, we miss so much. Good
seance, companeros. "

Monday, January 3, 2011

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For those who have something to atone for 2010 ...
For Those of You Who Have Been bad in 2010 ...