Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Does Wood Mean In The Bible

GMO "not tolerate" the lack of information

Friends of the blog, as some of you have seen, og gi 23.03.2011 on the Tyrrhenian Sea has been one of our published press release that informs the public opening of Integrated Medicine Hospital of Pitigliano

Il Tirreno 23 \\ 03 \\ 2011
Integrated Medicine, Pitigliano divides.
The group criticizes GM "poor communication," the mayor Seccareccia there is
The Mayor reiterates' enthusiasm for the project began Feb. 23 and new developments. " But someone does not believe
Right now they are open to homeopathy and herbal clinic
Mat Baccellina
PITIGLIANO. It was not even a month before the opening of integrated medicine hospital of Pitigliano. At Petruccioli from 23 February, there are clinics in homeopathy and acupuncture. But for some, might as well not exist.
"The Petruccioli is the first hospital of integrated medicine in Italy - is the release of the GM group of Pitigliano - and will soon be enhanced with natural organic herbal medicine, and disciplines such as yoga, shiatsu and sound therapy. Here born the first training center for complementary medicine, and international library on the Internet, will be the first devoted to complementary medicine. We wonder why this project promoted by the Tuscany Region and in collaboration with the ASL 9, which is a great opportunity for our region, records a total lack of communication over the opening of the service. This in spite of its importance and the continued risk of closure imposed on the garrison of Pitigliano.
short, a controversy the lack of publicity. "It's not a warning, not a poster, nothing on the website of the City, not a public meeting where he explains what it is, openness and access arrangements. It only contains information on the site of ASL, but not everyone looking at him. " And that is why GM, a group of opinion on the move, "to avoid the degradation due to lack of customers, is launching a new advertising campaign, with a leaflet can be downloaded from the blog and Facebook group page." The press group
Pitiglianese of integrated medicine on the hospital did not leave indifferent the mayor Dino Seccareccia. "It's a project we have tenaciously maintained, these controversies seem to me Free - said the first citizen of Pitigliano - also because it is a hospital that is open just a month, and is already receiving numerous bookings.
not tolerate criticism, knowing what we are committed to its opening. It is a hospital which I am proud of, an innovative experience. Soon there will be a meeting with the local health authorities to check the booking system and to implement the same service. "
short, if a citizen group calls for greater visibility and communication for Petruccioli, the mayor sends the charges to the sender.
"Very soon there will be a meeting with the local health - adds Seccareccia - to sensitize the citizens on integrated medicine."

on the responses of the Mayor, we want to point out that GM has not questioned even by the Town Council's commitment to the implementation of integrated medicine hospital.
We have reported the absolute lack of communication, confirmed by the Mayor declaring: "Very soon we will be a meeting with the ASL for a national awareness on integrated medicine. " With this statement, the Mayor admits that, since the service so far its Administration has not given any information.
Waiting for this to happen we feel even more motivated to continue our campaign calls upon the citizens to cooperate with us.

How To Breed Shiny Pokemon In Emerald

Stripes, I do not stop! Italy

Illustration for an initiative promoted by The Society for ideas. From the website of

ADUC, an association for the rights of users and consumers:
" Two pedestrians killed on pedestrian crossings per day has the value of a negative record for Italy. Where such a massacre going on? There are other countries where there are pedestrian crossings, with the same information?
The Society for ideas to offer a modest contribution to combat piracy increasingly barbaric that made Florence and cities a nightmare for pedestrians, the elderly, mothers. Navigate the streets is even more risky there are clear rules of the road.
This adhesive is available to those who want to follow the rules and the people and send a mild but clear warning to those who in the name of haste and arrogance threatens the safety of all.
The Society for the ideas in the meantime has produced 500 stickers, and appeals to potential supporters who want to fund the reprinting and distribution. We welcome projects undertaken by this scourge and invite the Mayor of Florence 's ACI town perhaps on the same busy street.
The adhesive is made by the illustrator and cartoonist and cartoonist Piero Tonin .
adhesives require email to: "

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Save The Date Funny Sayings

Happy Birthday! - Happy birthday USA!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ci Pocket Bike For Sale

The Golden Child of John Feo

published the post that John Feo wrote for our blog, thanks John!

-reading your blog, I felt an immediate feeling of déjà vu.
messages for young people who write on the blog, tell off a country where there is no chance 'meeting ("they closed the cinema"), where the streets are just machines, tourists and a sense of vacuum, a country where so many go away or are considering.

When I arrived, thirty years ago, the country, the square and the streets were alive and lived but then, in a few years, began desertification, civil death.
The problem is serious. Possible future without young people there, no life.
And not enough good intentions and optimism of those who, no longer young, and manages the institutions have already been a position.
The soul of a place, when it goes out as you relive the beautiful postcards and even the food is good enough.

Twenty years ago, I was about to go away, but luckily for me, something unexpected happened
that forced me to stay and began to work with an opportunity to arrivatami from outside, otherwise I would have to emigrate. Many believe they are aware of an apparent paradox:
the beauty of this land and a unique natural environment, which in other hilly regions has already been deleted from
Then the monuments, Etruscan civilization abandoned in the bush, the remains of lost civilizations and mysterious. Yet all this great wealth of nature, landscapes and history for young people is as if there was.
Apart from the short months that tourism is an unproductive asset, in terms of employment, can offer little to young.

Youth, especially today, can not be treated with disdain and superficiality. As
growth, education el 'learning.

In the oldest tales of the mythical figure "divine child" has always played an important role, representing the importance of life that must be constantly renewed and never stop.

For the Etruscans called the Divine Child Tages , born of mother earth, who came to bring knowledge and revelations.
The "New" is always a child, certainly not a senior.
In the myth, Tages is a child with the wisdom of the Romans anziano.Per the story began with two children, twins .
For Christians was always a Child to inaugurate the "new era".

All these old stories are not fables, but the expression of a life that needs to go on the
"New", of renewal, without which there is stasis, the drying and at the end of the day, when alone, even the most
good food leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

John Feo

Monday, March 14, 2011

Silverado Ss Bumper For Sale

err is human, to persevere is diabolical!

And after one, two .. we are the third or fourth bridge collapsed!

AAA. Searching architect to design a small bridge that will remain solid over time. Excluding wasters!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Black Poop Pregnant 39 Weeks

Proposals wasted and missed opportunities of Tourism in Pitigliano

pleased to publish an article by our fellow citizen, tourism expert.

I had the opportunity twice to propose the creation of a Tourist Observatory in Pitigliano.
In summary this is a small group of representatives of economic activities that the City Council can also provide useful advice based on data collected annually on tourism.
the first time in 2005, the proposal has been virtually ignored and the second time in 2008, was partially accepted for inclusion in the election in the form of an ambiguous "Economic Observatory, ever.

The good opportunity is provided by the Regional Council of Tuscany, following the public announcement of specific (Decree No. 5101 - 8/10/2009), with the opportunity to experience the tourist observation of destination in the municipalities that present special projects on the model NECSTouR. The model
NECSTouR summary focuses on the following 10 points:
Impact of transport
• Quality of life of residents and tourists
• Quality of work
• Enlargement of the demand / supply ratio (geographical and seasonal concentration of tourism
) •
active conservation of cultural heritage
• active conservation of the environment
• Active conservation of distinctive identities of destinations
• Reduction and optimization of the use of natural resources with particular reference to water

• Reduction and optimization of energy consumption
• Reduced waste and better waste management

path testing identified include:

1. Activation as a result of specific public notice (Decree No. 5101 - 8/10/2009), a first group of 10 municipalities that have set up projects financed by the creation of observatories Tourist Destination: Abetone, Barberino Mugello, Chianciano Terme, Fiesole, Forte dei Marmi, Montecatini Terme, San Gimignano, San Vincenzo, Siena and Tavarnelle Val di Pesa (Allocation of € 400,000)

2.L 'activation of a second group of 40 municipalities who are given a voucher which seeks to ensure a concrete relationship of collaboration and exchange of Practice for the establishment of observatories Tourist Destination. (Availability of € 2 million)
This group consists of:

- the municipalities that responded to the notice mentioned in October 2009: Anghiari, Barga, Borgo a cropping, Calenzano, Capannori, Castiglione della Pescaia Cortona, Greve in Chianti, Isola del Giglio, Massa Marittima, Monsummano Terme, Montaione, Monterotondo Marittimo, Montignoso, Pontedera, Portoferraio, Roccastrada, Santa Fiora, Scarborough, Vinci

- the municipalities that have set up projects PIUSS (referred to CREO POR 2007/2013) with special provisions for investment for Tourism: Arezzo Campi Bisenzio, Carrara House, Hill VE, Florence, Follonica, Grosseto, Livorno, Lucca, Massa, Montevarchi, Piombino, Pisa, Pistoia, Prato, Poggibonsi, Quarrata, Scandicci, Viareggio
I Piussi represent the means by which the Region of Tuscany would implement the policies of economic and social development in urban areas outlined in Axis V of the Regional Operational Programme "Regional competitiveness and employment" of the ERDF 2007-2013 ( CREO POR).

Piussi Purpose of each individual to design a coordinated set of interventions, public and private, to achieve - in terms of sustainability - economic and social development goals by improving the quality of urban environment.
Certainly the design is not a trivial matter and bureaucratic practices and huge, and it is a much more articulate Tourist Centre proposed by me .... .... However, if other municipalities have managed Pitigliano why not?
Velio Small

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Heart Murmurs And Heartburn

Hospital Center Integrated Medicine: tools to spread!

clicking the link above then download the flyer in PDF format
share it on Facebook, send it by mail to friends,
Print and distribute!

also share your information

is crucial for your hospital!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Make Wrestling Belts Online

Hospital Pitigliano Sorano the views of the Mayor of

   Letter from a town to the Mayor of the City of Sorano Vanni:   
  Dear Mayor, good morning, I would bother to report   a situation that I was deeply surprised:  

occasionally I find that now you can book visits related to Acupuncture and Integrated Medicine Homeopathy, this morning going to the ASL for a blood test determine that there is no information on the present and the same nurse, lowering his eyes say they do not know anything, maybe because the medicine is otherwise, it will be for lack of time and respect for the citizens, will be, will ...?.
honestly do not find answers to these inexplicable silence on the part of institutions, like the situation in Pitigliano, and then with the loyalty that has always distinguished me ask you directly the reasons for this lack of information.
  I state that I was told that newspaper articles came out, but I remember that apart from the 
small percentage of people who buy newspapers abitulmente,
we have in our area with 5 villages where there is no possibility to buy

Mayor Vanni Answer:

The City of Sorano has expressed support for the project of integrated medicine for the hospital of Pitigliano since he took his first steps.
Personally, at the invitation of the Health Committee of the Regional Council, I was four years ago in London to visit the main structure of English dedicated to integrated medicine and to meet the scientific and administrative leadership.
Even on the basis of those contacts have understood the importance of the project and sustained the need to implement it, while at the same time stressing the need to ensure, in terms of equipment and staffing, the proper functioning of the entire hospital and, in particular, the emergency room, diagnostic and specialized anbulatori.
In meetings of integrated medicine for the hospital in which the municipal administration of Sorano was involved have always participated or mayor or the Department of Health Rosalia miracle.

For several months there have been no such meetings, or at least we were not informed directly, but as far as we are concerned we have had telephone contact with the project manager science and the health department ASL 9.
Following also stress that were received from citizens, and the meeting which was held in Pitigliano with the Director General ASL (reserved as far as I is the municipal council and the junta). I have had contact with the mayor of Pitigliano and the ASL 9 in respect of communication of outpatient activities undertaken by a couple of weeks, mainly to task for ' Asl also because it has all the necessary technical and scientific information.
There is no doubt, however, that most municipalities concerned (Pitigliano, Sorano and Manchester but also to be limited to the closest), should ensure their active support.
I gave full dispomibilità to that effect to the medical director of the hospital, to which I have expressed the intention to promote the city authorities of Sorano un'inziativa short statement on \u0026lt;The hospital of integrated medicine, an opportunity for the area>.
We have agreed that immediately after the Prosimii meeting of the Scientific Committee, scheduled for March 9, agree on the terms dell'inziiativa.
is available to every comment and analysis.
Pierandrea Vanni
Mayor of Sorano

Atv Sandrail For Sale

If not now when? now! March 8 = Feb. 13 meeting of the Tyrrhenian Article

If not now when? Now
March 8, 2011 The return to the world ITALY

Committee IF NOT NOW WHEN?

copied from:

'Italy is not a country for women and we want it is.
In the year when we celebrate the 150th Unification of Italy, give more value to 8 March, the day came more than a century ago to honor the workers of the world, over time become party of women and today at rebirth for our country. We want an Italy
capable of being in the world, in an open and solidarity with all peoples, especially those who struggle for freedom as now those of North Africa.
We want to be on 8 March, as February 13, the day of all.
Of the women who work steadily in and out of home, of those seeking work and do not find it, of workers forced into illegal employment, licenses, precarious, many of which have left their families away to deal with ours, and women into slavery.
In Italy is a widespread insecurity that is not just work but life. It involves a growing number of women and men.
In our appeal to all and invite all restore value to the International Women's Day . We think we do it together, how and where each wants, inviting all to tie a pink ribbon with virtually good wishes, 150th in the unification of Italy, for a rebirth of our country .
A pink ribbon for hanging next to the statues, the stock exchange, at scooter, around the trees, the windows on jacket or car window!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kidney Cyst Found In My 30's

Project Integrated Medicine Hospital Pitigliano

March 3, 2011 A meeting on the draft integrated medicine director ASL Mariotti discusses the work of homeopathy and acupuncture clinics

PITIGLIANO. The ASL Director Fausto 9 Mariotti, will today at 15.30 in the council chamber of the town of Pitigliano to illustrate the Draft Integrated Medicine, which since last week has started in the hospital outpatient clinics with specialists in homeopathy and even acupuncture.
"The presence of Director general of the municipal council in the classroom - Pierluigi Camilli said social services commissioner of the town of Pitigliano - will be useful to take stock of the socio-health of the municipality. At the heart of the comparison can not be no operation and the prospects of "Petruccioli" because the news is not lacking: the appointment of Dr. Manini also a primary Orbetello, the successful start of Tac. "
However, citizens do not fail to highlight critical issues and concerns. "All this is because areas like ours - says councilor Camilli - with a very high percentage of elderly people, can not risk being left without a" valid "the hospital."

integrative medicine is certainly a project of great interest also for the opportunities it can offer to the territory. "But this should give response to the concerns, justified or not, citizens and should comment on what the general manager of ASL."

Among the challenges are Camilli noted a few problems to solve. "For example, a turn-over of doctors too accelerated, the need for continuous presence of specialists, the functionality of the emergency, the time of transfer to other hospitals, all problems certainly are not new, but considering that now the spotlight is on I think that it is time good to say one more word and face the best. "

The only newspaper in recent days has given attention to the Draft Integrated Medicine Hospital of Pitigliano was the Tyrrhenian Sea.
One person interviewed: The Ass. Re planning, transport, and the Social Services P. Camilli, shines
absence Councillor the Right to Health, Renzi S. ..

This approach makes us imagine the intensity of the campaign that will implement in order to spread the news, the importance and originality of the project of Integrated Medicine Hospital Pitigliano,
seen as a means of contributing to the growth of "territory "

reassures us and makes us all stay calm ,
knowing you are in good hands .....

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Black And White Damask Large, Paper

"It's never too late"

The open-air museum dedicated to the Master Manzi is closed.
Back in the 60s, when the illiteracy rate was very high in Italy, a master
elementary school began giving lessons to illiterate people throughout Italy, using a medium
already proved that at the time "Basic."
The television was in fact the future and the master Manzi had already sensed. Click
culture many people as possible, because ignorance is the mother of all oppressors.
The transmission was called "It's never too late"
also need to make a museum culture, especially if we understand where we come from, as we were, as we thought. In order to understand, to form their own idea, of where we want to go.
now ask whether it is right that the museum should be in these despicable Manzi conditions.
You can see from the photos with little money and with a little work could bring back to full efficiency
a small jewel of Culture.
Or do we think that our administration has no interest.
no interest ... The culture
no interest ... The future does not interest ...
no interest ... (why not) a source of income
Then commit because "It's never too late" .

Bumps On Lip Fibroids

the first hospital in Italy! No

Hospital Petruccioli of Pitigliano is the first Hospital of Integrated Medicine in Italy, and from this morning, 23 February 2001, the clinics of Homeopathy Acupuncture and are in operation.

Thanks to a phone call Monday morning to the CUP, we know that the surgery is open every Wednesday from 10 am to 12 noon then it opens at 14 till 16,
activated services are now homeopathy and acupuncture, but will soon increased with the natural bio Phytotherapy and disciplines such as yoga, shiatsu and sound therapy.
Offer integrated health will be of free choice for citizens who want to use it, either at present or in-patient services.

Hospital Pitigliano will also have an educational role, there will come the first training center for physicians experienced in Complementary Medicine, and the internal library on the Internet, will be the first Italian library devoted to complementary medicine.

This project desired by the Tuscany Region and in collaboration with the ASL 9, is a great opportunity for our area and because it provides access to alternative medicine through public service and effectively expand and improve the provision of health 'area and for the consequences that will have economic, arising from the interest of many in Italy and abroad that prefer the integrated medicine:
Pitigliano could become an internationally recognized center where the supply of quality health care is integrated with the spa, and tourist attractions of great interest.

"It 's a great opportunity for our region - said the mayor Dino Seccareccia - in addition to increasing the supply health care for citizens, is also the vehicle of clear economic opportunities."

the extraordinary and the potential of what is taking place in Pitigliano also recognized by our directors, is the boundary ... SILENCE .

not a warning, not a poster, nothing on the website of the Municipality, where you inform people of the carnival (just) but not hospital, not a public meeting where he explains what it is, openness and how to access it.
What is the attitude of silence the applicant, 16 March 2010 at the Teatro Salvini is presented the project during a conference entitled
"Hospital Pitigliano: First pole of Integrated Medicine in Italy, participating Jacopo For , Tiziano Terzani's wife and others,
the City is putting up the posters in a hurry on the morning of the conference,
nobody knew.
On December 6, 2011 comes the delegation of Chinese university, including the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Beijing, STILL SILENT.
certainly was an institutional meeting, but inform the public of the event would help to create attention and interest and the perception that the project was being implemented.
The project on an experimental basis for two years, the voices in Pitigliano report that is not "acceptable" to be a part of the hospital staff (of course, is check) and that this position collects the approval of the local PD, and who knows what other political groups ...

And if it was a strategy of silence?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Demolition Derby Wii Games


Tribe, to cartoon character (not used).
Tribe, cartoon character (unpublished).

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lotion Cervical Mucus Pregnant

Municipal Council 21/12/2010 57 traps for the unwary analysis

deliberation CITY COUNCIL Minutes of Resolution No. 57,

21/12/2010 Subject: SOCIAL POLICIES: analysis difficult situations
; ;
and this year two thousand and twenty-one days of the month of December at 15.30 in Pitigliano in the assembly hall located in the Town Hall, the City Council met in special session to deal with affairs on the agenda. The meeting is public

"The Mayor sets the topic and gave the floor Camilli alderman who is, among other things, the problems of home care, meals on wheels.
the parent requesting the floor Ferri which sets out to share as reported and highlights the Councillor Camilleri that the discomfort is increasing and the need for the municipality to put an to be suitable approaches.
the parent requesting the floor Francardi which states that we must address the problem.
requesting the floor Councilor Goats offering a table jointly with the Parish.
requesting the floor Councilor Gorini which exposes the existence of youth distress, and that for the first time in the City Council hears about young people and the Adviser believes that the Department for Youth Policy has not given much to do and that however, even the minority has played a role in stimulating about the synergy between the two existing structures, among which there was conflict and that instead it is desirable to work together.
requesting the floor Ferri is the parent table that the joint has already been held in the Community Montana but never took off.
spoke to the Mayor thanking the speakers and highlights the importance of identifying, addressing and possibly resolving existing problems.
councilor spoke Celata which states that the thematic meetings were held with children, such as, for example, addictions and sex education, there was the opening of ciaf (Centre for Childhood, Adolescence and family) and announces that a new regional funding will be allocated to a project against the unwary.
operative Mayor concludes that doing this to set up a table of reference for the discussion of the issues addressed. "
; ; ; ///////////////////////////////////////////

Dear friends we take the problem of youth malaise and lack of spaces allocated to them, already 'in the subject of a blog post "free words" faithfully publishing the minutes of the City Council on the subject downloaded from the City, naturally arises some questions that we want to make public the directors. We hope that we are to respond, we will post their answers and of course also "missed" this out of respect for the citizens. Invite all to give us his impressions on FB or anonymously on the blog or ask questions that we turn all'Ammistrazione.

1) We are in December 2010 and is said to be 'the first time that we deal with the theme!

2) What did the Experiences of theatrical anthropology to youth policy? study the situation while we wait for the young people become adults.

3) Whose responsibility is it 'if the table working with the Community' Montana 'never took off? Certainly not the families and because it 'at the Communities' Montana?

4) There are tables and discussions that lead nowhere, it takes the will to tackle the problem
Never before in this topic and 'clearly not' just a problem of resources, but ; the desire to do.
Why 'do not?

5) Create synergies with the family, just not possible to propose solutions and not only useless tables that are already sterile 'leaving

6) The new table is talking about the Mayor and after the session' already 'been created? know you like it?

We believe it is necessary to embark on a path shared with the entire population of a path of continuous and uninterrupted as a central and leading the "youth question."
We ask for this most clearly in the intentions and the more concrete facts, but above all that we take note of the "youth problem" that is central to the development of Pitigliano.


Evening Primrose Oil Mucous Plug

Letter from a friend

publish a letter, has come down to our friend Mrs. Micca Luisa

"Hello, I am a woman who lives and works in our area. I was born and to work as many other kids in twenty years I moved.
am first lived in a big city 'and then in a town of about 30,000 inhabitants. To anyone who, + - knowing me for the first time, asked me where I came I said: "I come from a small town in southern Tuscany, Pitigliano is called, maybe I do not know", and instead I felt like answering: "yes I and know 'that beautiful old town that appears suddenly around a bend. That must be nice to live there.'' The first time will be surprised.

sometimes invited to my house in Pitigliano some friends for the weekend, naturally I took them to visit our beautiful and they also remained enchanted by what they saw: the inland quarries, the town lit up at night, the streets that branch off on a spur of tufa, and walking seemed as if time had stopped. In this way I could know better the place where I was born and appreciate it more 'that in the twenty years during which we grew up.
Twenty years later I returned to live in my house in Pitigliano, of course, bringing all my family and now I work in Sorano. This choice 'was dictated mainly by the fact that my children could grow more' healthy in a place where the air was still breathable and quiet ', without the risks the city and for us parents perhaps a bit 'of quiet country life would be good. I made almost at once that something was wrong. My oldest son had some problems entering the circle of friends who cut him off at the beginning I tried to minimize it, but slowly I realized that the same happened to me with most of the other parents. I was used to conduct open and jovial people of the country where I lived for fourteen years, and find myself trying to be part of a community that makes you almost feel that it is not acceptable, really made me feel bad. Hear by a child of nine years, "Mama, 'cause we came here? What are we doing? is something you do not wish it on anyone.
Coming from outside, I tried to analyze the situation with detachment.
I realized that our, and say our 'cause I still feel part of it, and' a community 'closed, which does not give space to "foreigners," without thinking that people who come from other companies can make an important contribution to bringing their experience and maybe seeing things differently. The mentality of most 'and' remained that many years ago, and I come to say that this comes from the isolation Geographically, the fact that our roads are scarce and bad, 'cause this could be true for our grandparents, who traveled with the mule, but not for us, we move hundreds of miles just to make a around the mall.
Our guys do not have a gathering place, walk around aimlessly, do not have a place to place to chat, where you can spend rainy Sundays, where you can get together and tested, in to grow at an intellectual level. For years no longer have 'even a cinema! It 's true is private, then the owner needs to do its legitimate choices, but I wonder given that the City and 'the owner of a theater, because' and not 'even thought fit to film screenings. Sometimes just a little. I often talk about missing funds, and this' no doubt true, but sometimes a little 'good will' can improve things. If you want to do some 'sports to your children, or do you like football, or you're screwed,' cause the only sport recognized by our common 'and' the ball. The only initiatives, directed at our children are private or religious. For example, the commitment made by Some people, mostly parents, who gave birth to "POL San Rocco, with some courses that engages young athletes into something different.
Our strengths are our guys, if you do not try to exploit them, to help them, train them properly, we risk that, once finished school and going to college, knowing reality 'different from ours, not wish to return and even if someone wanted to return, notwithstanding the current situation, would not the future. You can not pretend nothing happened.
An administration that does not attempt to value the youth in any way, it involves him, indeed try to download the blame on some parents, that thinking about the future of their children, make the choice to send them to study outside the area (see Acquapendente), judging those better schools, it seems to me quite wrong. . 'Cause, however, does not seek to develop institutions that we have and make it valid, increasing their quality' and help make our children a future? This problem must be addressed now before it's too late and as a 'success for the course surveyor.
I realized that most citizens do not participate in public life, largely because 'the Administration is not seeking even to engage people, but also because we like to stay out and maybe complain in private. This is no longer possible. We must try not to be passive and accept whatever comes from above, but try to express our ideas, say what we think, not only inside their home. Our country and 'stop and thirty years ago. One moment he wakes up in the election period and then returns to slumber and delegates its future to a select few.
saying this I just want to criticize, but I'd like that these criticisms were constructive, a cue to try to begin to change things, change mindsets, become a true community, collaborate with us. Let me give an example. Our country is known throughout Italy. If this were to promote, in every sense of the word, through our association between restaurant and hotel etc. merchants. without having to always think of each "own backyard", and perhaps envy the next "'cause his lawn is greener", perhaps there would be something more than the tourists passing daily through the streets, buy two bottles of wine, and having regard to the prices of local walks away quickly. There are villages that do not even have the perfect 'beauty and places that we have, (the "vie cave, not to mention Strozzoni hillock place now abandoned), but for a fair administrative policy and spirit of cooperation have developed exceptionally Our economy is based on tourism and agriculture, but if we try to do things together, not get nothing. To do this we all citizens and especially the administrators we have to study, analyze, compare, have a vision for the future, also know how to put in play and not live on an income of 50/100 personally hope that we can, we must intervene determined by addressing the problems and not hide under the carpet. Return to use the word as a synonym for political service and attention to a community and not as a duty and a right of which a citizen must recover it.
Another provocation. But do you have a mayor and a councilor who do not live in the municipality administering and 'a good or bad thing? How can they know our problems and then administer a positive? Will they have at heart the country and the community a place where I live? To do so would be very smart! It will be really the case? Thank you for your hospitality
'I conclude by saying that we have potential' incredible and the means to use them is to us to begin a path. "

Micca Luisa
years 45, used

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fun Virtual Worlds Like Poptropica

Women in Pitigliano Veline

agree strongly 's initiative "If not now, when?" February 13, "and I share the idea
that this event has, as expected, a continuity.
I appreciate the men and women who have experienced the streets of Grosseto and all Italian cities and also ester, February 13.
I wanted to be there too.
I would have liked to participate along with other people of Pitigliano and Sorano.
This national event, where many people men and women marched to demand respect to rehabilitate dignity undermined, has put sharp focus the passivity of our social context, where women are the least decisive of the path of growth and change.
It 's true that there is no dignity if you get a job due to sexual performance, but it is also true that there is no dignity, if the answer before all'affronto is passive and does not responds to those who, dignity always has the power to remove it for free.
The event of February 13 has filled the squares of many Italian cities, but our area was far and away including the group consisting of Pd to 80% men.
It 's true that the demonstration was to be without party symbols, but in a small country like Pitigliano, who had ability to aggregate and organize lil party could be, especially for the knowledge that there is no other place in aggregation , in charge of thinking about women.
No call was made to discuss, to organize.
in the towns of Pitigliano and Sorano there is a Commission for Equal Opportunities.
In the town of Pitigliano was never implemented a door for women, there is a nest, as there is no center
anti violence. I wonder how move the women of the territory they live difficult situations, who are turning against them if they have charged an elderly or a disabled child. I have listed
social services that are designed to give dignity and support to women.
not having any of this to the local women, not accustomed to weigh and do not ask, was not present in normal day of 13 February.
Certainly many women have gone alone.
This blanket of silence, this passivity, this property bankrolled by a blind policy and no, it does not help or defend the women and young people living here, and was highlighted dramatically
national event of 13 February.
The growing social unrest and rising every day.
The City of Grosseto is far .. for the event, equal opportunity, for a more dignified of the female, is far from everything.
Here, there is not even a bus to go on a trip to collective Arcore.
E 'an important moment, where all women Italian women, show
  • The dignity of women is the dignity of the nation
  • The event is promoted by women, but - as we say in our appeal - the participation of men is required, and friends welcome.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Valentine - Valentine's Day Interview on

Valentine's Day for llustrazione Bellagrande lingerie d'Art, inspired by the work of Raymond Peynet .
Valentines's Day illustration for Bellagrande made-to-order lingerie, inspired by the work of Raymond Peynet .

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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I do not Family Clinics-Story of a Woman / Witch Castell'Azzara

In '68 I had passed twenty years and the student protest had just touched me.
In those days women, mothers did not participate politics, resigned to their role. We young people felt the need to change the skin, perhaps haunted by the moon.
The stories of illegal abortions, the fear of social opinion of the balloons, the lack of sex information to talk about the shame, the violence suffered in silence, the silence that erases guilt, loneliness desperate, were not acts of individuals but the collective consciousness.
Here the feminist movement was not folklore, it does not feel the need. We already made our beautiful event for Vietnam, for the job. We
spontaneous gathering places, cultural and recreational clubs as well as those of politics, where our fathers, giving us confidence gained with the commitment, we delivered the future.
was the early '70s.
Our attention was immediately on the service as women family counseling, just written on paper but not yet experiment.
Castell'Azzara What was the first Amiata, because stubbornly wanted, the one around which created a strong participation of women, of different ages and political sensitivity, especially young people.
was as we wanted, a place our right in the middle the country, where we walked shamelessly proud to challenge the fear, the gossips, the prejudices of the time.
A place and beyond. With the help of the operators could finally protect our sexuality with the information and decide on responsible motherhood, prevention of abortion and then ensure the correct application of 194, our body and help you understand the various transformations from adolescence to menopause, have the support to deal with situations of family problems and juvenile
was a pearl. A true revolution of culture and customs of life.
project participation and commitment for us and operators.
We provide the passion and the link with the social fabric, their professional competence and availability, exceeding the requirements of the job. With an outcome well beyond the scope of service, gender solidarity and social, personal growth, self-esteem and awareness of their capacity for so many girls.
In a second phase, with the reorganization of health services, primarily outpatient setting, which limited participation, took over on the prevention and information. The service began to "sit down" and become individualized, that is close to inside the structure awaiting users.
We felt mugged.
denounce the transformation with a letter to the executive and a fiery public meeting.
the choices that now reduced service times, the prevalence of the specific sector, the scaling of teamwork, delegation of responsibility to the central figures in the apical, went in another direction. The service continues and it is good, I feel like a great achievement.
Woe, if the cuts to health care social services and the limited. Defended it with tooth and nail.
Why do not all witches were burned, as someone says.

Mine is an invitation to reflect on whether it is fulfilling its task of prevention, protection of the dignity of the person, if he can capture all discomfort and individual needs submerged and family, to accompany the painful choice of abortion in the full respect of the 194, even with the introduction of RU486.
We want to see what is there; effective means of 'information, providing feedback and reference for young people, that despite appearances, are still the most vulnerable, uninformed and confused with less cohesion and solidarity of our own.

The true story was written to be posted on our blog by Emilia Guidotti
Councillor Equal Opportunities in the Community Montana Amiata-Grosseto.
Emilia Many thanks!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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If Not Now When, Grosseto February 13 15:00 Piazza Dante

Grosseto at 15.00 Dante

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Diphenhydramine With Loratadine


Interview (in English) on the great portal of comics and illustrations. Click HERE
to read it. An interview on the ever-growing portal for illustrations and cartoons. Click HERE
to read it.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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Pitigliano .... come away with me

Come Via
with me
from Pitigliano?

Away with you,
; return,

Here's the list :

walk away from Pitigliano has now closed because the only bookstore where I found the later editions updated.
I walk away from Pitigliano because there is not even the movies. But culture is a right, not a privilege.
"L in culture also makes it economically, culture and 'against the vulgarity and allows to distinguish between good and evil culture can always expose the liars, the culture and' the instrument to judge those who govern us, the culture and 'freedom of speech and expression, save the culture, the culture is like water, is the life "(C. Abbado)
walk away from Pitigliano in the evening because if I go out and look around, I feel , a deep sadness.
remain in Pitigliano because if I go to the streets to meet someone always happens to me and I can chat.
I stay here because it is unique in its beauty, I'm lucky because I live it every day.
aspect because I want to live in Pitigliano a Manager that is available to explain the whole population, because Terme di Pitigliano have never been opened, what did the council , what did the Province , what did the owner ... to let go off like a water project of such great value?
I want to live in Pitigliano because I am waiting for 'Hospital is transformed into a Hospital Center of Integrated Medicine . It 's a major project that could mean growth for the whole territory.
Ma ... What happens? All is silent ... He had to start in January 2011!
this aspect, as I lost hope and do not wait for more parking and a decent center.
I walk away from Pitigliano to young people here because we do not think anybody. Sadly I see them leaning against the doors of the bar, while the people sitting inside, drinking and browse for the umpteenth time now worn pages of newspapers.
I go away from here because Pitigliano I can not grow or work.
remain in Pitigliano because nowhere else in the world I feel at home.
I go back to Pitigliano and every time I realize that I ... I can not help it.
I walk away from Pitigliano because the country is directed by the will of a few wealthy families and many politicians like to obey, only because they bring votes.
No politician here has ever experienced the pleasure of being chosen for their courage in being able to propose and introduce new and valuable alternative.
I walk away from Pitigliano because there is not a political organization in the country in which I can recognize.
The men and women who make up the current junta, is compacted into small groups, divide, do not talk to each other. You can see them in the square that chatter, just as you perceive them are:
isolated from the context.
I walk away from Pitigliano because here nothing ever changes and the problems I see today are the same as that seen for 20years.
There is no proposal to change for the country, now an immeasurable time.
remain in Pitigliano because I want my son to stay, and should not be forced like everyone to escape.
Vado Pitigliano way because the current policy, these people and even earlier, convinced that all things change is difficult, even impossible.
Their strength lies in 'the inaction of others, accept this is equivalent to having a' permission moral disengagement.
They were so consistent in the repetition of this mantra, which by now have convinced everyone (or almost).
remain to live in Pitigliano, because I think it also depends on me, to initiate changes.