MERRY CHRISTMAS! SAFE & SOULS Yesterday I went to organize our last week of shooting routine, discovering that, as usual, if you want to do well the things you have to do slowly, then surely not the last week but in any case carried out in three days the most difficult scenes.
I'm happy, we say that in general are always happy when I'm going to affect another case with our imagination, but this time even more, during the pre-production of films I-Dario-IrlandeseBastardo Daleffe, Federico-Spray-Anzini, Roberto-Bush-Sanzio, we took care of almost any organization, actors, extras, location inside / outside, the equipment, makeup, costumes, photography with harmful consequences for all the nice the body .. Initially we started to think about particular places, to see specifically what we wanted, and then as a good secretary of myself I began to call to all facilities that interest me, supermarkets, theaters, hospitals, bars, restaurants, etc. Red Cross. .
It was not easy at all, but thank God, Italy is the country of the recommendations and for us it was a lottery in the sense that we're nobody, but somebody who knows us knows someone who is not anyone who knows someone but then it turns out to be that someone! What a bizarre
systems this country. With some permissions have failed repeatedly to fake fucking unnecessary problems, such as the Red Cross, the phrase nicer I was told was the Director of the structure of a country whose name I will not (hinterland of Milan ): "No, not because I authorize the volunteer should not look like a jerk, you understand?" and I said "But look who is just a small scene where dirty chocolate, eating in front of the TV .." "No, because then mock us, the structure, the figure of a volunteer!" "But look who is a very positive instead, which is based precisely on the values \u200b\u200bof volunteer ... I'll explain .." "NOTHING TO DO! Not hear us?" and I thought, I do not hear us ????? You son of p, herdsman of c. ...
It 's true that in the province is the most deep-rooted ignorance, which is spread among young people in the Monsters of oratory, and elderly groups from insults Young Parquet, then if you compare them with the boys oratorio are the same ... talking about the same things the same way! The province is frightening.
However ladies and gentlemen what I meant at the end of this spappardella of events, is that if you have goals keep breaking down doors, even when they are reinforced with Kevlar with asbestos! And when they are already open, explore all the way down. Up to search for others and so to repeat the breakthrough.
Around the corner is always hides your gift. If it were just ahead of us, maybe we do not like either .. and that's why I wanted to do for Christmas gifts of small symbolic, without overdoing it, because the true gifts we build them to us, together .. (Not true, is that they are without money so ....)
Love you, that was my message to Merry Xmas tout le Monde!
Greetings to all!